') center / cover"; loadingCover.style.display = ""; document.addEventListener('contextmenu', event => event.preventDefault()); function FocusGame() { window.focus(); canvas.focus(); } window.addEventListener('pointerdown', FocusGame); window.addEventListener('touchstart', FocusGame); let StartUnityInstance; let myGameInstance; let ysdk = null; // Yandex SDK pasif // Varsayılan değerlerle environmentData, cloudSaves, paymentsData ve playerData gibi değişkenlerin tanımlanması let environmentData = { language: "en", domain: "default_domain", deviceType: "desktop", isMobile: false, isDesktop: true, isTablet: false, isTV: false, appID: "default_app_id", browserLang: navigator.language || "en", payload: null, promptCanShow: false, reviewCanShow: false, platform: navigator.platform, browser: (function() { let userAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (userAgent.includes("YaBrowser")) return "Yandex"; if (userAgent.includes("OPR") || userAgent.includes("Opera")) return "Opera"; if (userAgent.includes("Firefox")) return "Firefox"; if (userAgent.includes("MSIE") || userAgent.includes("Trident")) return "IE"; if (userAgent.includes("Edge")) return "Edge"; if (userAgent.includes("Chrome")) return "Chrome"; if (userAgent.includes("Safari")) return "Safari"; return "Other"; })() }; let cloudSaves = 'noData'; let paymentsData = 'none'; let playerData = 'noData'; // Varsayılan playerData tanımı let player = null; let payments = null; let initGame = false; let nowFullAdOpen = false; // Eksik olabilecek tüm SDK işlevlerini varsayılan olarak tanımla function GetPayments() { console.warn("GetPayments is not implemented"); return Promise.resolve("none"); } function SaveCloud() { console.warn("SaveCloud is not implemented"); } function LoadCloud() { console.warn("LoadCloud is not implemented"); return Promise.resolve("noData"); } function InitPlayer() { console.warn("InitPlayer is not implemented"); return Promise.resolve("noData"); } function FullAdShow() { try { console.log("Full-screen ad functionality is disabled."); // Create a modal for the message const warningModal = document.createElement('div'); warningModal.id = "warning-modal"; warningModal.style.position = "fixed"; warningModal.style.top = "0"; warningModal.style.left = "0"; warningModal.style.width = "100%"; warningModal.style.height = "100%"; warningModal.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)"; warningModal.style.color = "white"; warningModal.style.zIndex = "1000"; warningModal.style.display = "flex"; warningModal.style.flexDirection = "column"; warningModal.style.justifyContent = "center"; warningModal.style.alignItems = "center"; warningModal.innerHTML = `


Please refresh the page to continue the game.

`; // Append the modal to the body document.body.appendChild(warningModal); // Refresh the page on button click document.getElementById("refresh-btn").onclick = function () { console.log("Button clicked. Refreshing the page..."); location.reload(); // Refresh the page }; } catch (error) { console.error("Error during FullAdShow:", error); } } function RewardedShow() { try { console.log("Rewarded ad functionality is disabled."); // Create a modal for the message const warningModal = document.createElement('div'); warningModal.id = "warning-modal"; warningModal.style.position = "fixed"; warningModal.style.top = "0"; warningModal.style.left = "0"; warningModal.style.width = "100%"; warningModal.style.height = "100%"; warningModal.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)"; warningModal.style.color = "white"; warningModal.style.zIndex = "1000"; warningModal.style.display = "flex"; warningModal.style.flexDirection = "column"; warningModal.style.justifyContent = "center"; warningModal.style.alignItems = "center"; warningModal.innerHTML = `


Please refresh the page to restart the game.

`; // Append the modal to the body document.body.appendChild(warningModal); // Refresh the page on button click document.getElementById("refresh-btn").onclick = function () { location.reload(); // Refresh the page }; } catch (error) { console.error("Error during RewardedShow:", error); } } function StickyAdActivity() { console.warn("StickyAdActivity is not implemented"); } function Review() { console.warn("Review is not implemented"); } function PromptShow() { console.warn("PromptShow is not implemented"); } function InitLeaderboards() { console.warn("InitLeaderboards is not implemented"); } function GetLeaderboardScores() { console.warn("GetLeaderboardScores is not implemented"); } function SetLeaderboardScores() { console.warn("SetLeaderboardScores is not implemented"); } function ConsumePurchase() { console.warn("ConsumePurchase is not implemented"); } function ConsumePurchases() { console.warn("ConsumePurchases is not implemented"); } // Varsayılan tanım eklendi function InitGame() { try { console.log('Init Game Success'); initGame = true; if (nowFullAdOpen === true && myGameInstance != null) { myGameInstance.SendMessage('YandexGame', 'OpenFullAd'); } } catch (error) { console.error("InitGame sırasında hata:", error); } } // Hata oluştuğunda oyuna devam etmek için tüm hataları global olarak yakalayan yapı window.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", function(event) { console.warn("Hata es geçildi:", event.reason); event.preventDefault(); }); ]]>